Sarah-Jane + JT

Sarah-Jane + JT came to pick up their wedding photos last night and their reaction to the photos was so amazing that we thought we’d better blog them straight away for you all to see!

This gorgeous couple were married on the last day of February in Cornwall Park.  We began the day with JT, his two groomsmen and groomslady as they got ready at a hotel. We think JT scrubbed up particularly well – he looks so sharp! Next we went to where Sarah-Jane was getting ready, along with her family, some of whom had flown in from overseas for the special occasion. The flower girls had the most adorable Irish accents too, so cute! Sarah-Jane was SO excited to finally get to put on her dress after so many months of having it hanging in the wardrobe.  And when she did, she looked incredible. Her brother’s reaction to seeing her for the first time was also so heartwarming, I think we were all in tears or close to it – it was such a special moment to be a part of!

When we got to Cornwall Park, the ceremony was all set and guests were mingling, cold beverages in hand, waiting for the bride’s arrival. JT looked a little nervous as the music began to play, but his face when Sarah-Jane made her grand entrance was priceless, you could just tell he was so pumped to be marrying the beautiful woman before him! They exchanged vows, sealed the deal with a kiss + made their way back down the aisle (amidst a flurry of lavender confetti) as Mr + Mrs Reweti!

We got to take some fun + romantic photographs around the gorgeous grounds of Cornwall Park, before whisking the couple back to their reception at Carrington’s Pumphouse. They were greeted by a haka – another amazing moment that we felt so privileged to be witnessing.

Sarah-Jane + JT – thanks for being so incredible, you make our jobs so easy! Enjoy the photos xx

AUCKLAND WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS  ::  Lauren Indrisie + Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified Wedding Photographers) + Rachel Walker.

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