Queensberry Albums :: Alicia + Rau

We love any chance we get to open up a freshly delivered courier package from Queensberry, especially when it’s an album! Honestly, nothing beats the fresh velvety feeling of the Queensberry bag, until you touch the leather cover and see the beautiful images within its pages. It really is an experience that can’t be beaten, and if you’re after a wedding album, I can’t express to you enough just how much of a worthwhile investment these are… If you need more convincing, take a look at Alicia + Rau’s beautiful Duo album, of their wedding day at Markovina Vineyard Estate. It was a stunner. Enjoy!

See more of their photos here.

For a real time flick through, click here.

For more information and to see more of our work, make sure to visit our website – www.delwynwood.com

AUCKLAND WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS + QUEENSBERRY ALBUM STOCKISTS :: Lauren Indrisie + Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified Wedding Photographers) + Rachel Walker

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