
Emma entered the Early Buds Mummy Makeover Winner & Won the second prize with her most deserving story. We were so thrilled to have Emma & baby Finn in our studio, we couldn’t help but not only give her 11×14″ ( Which was in her prize ) but to give her an 8×10″ of her boy Finn. After her shoot she went up to Matakana and had a lovely lunch introducing her new addition to her friends!

Here is her story..

I would love to win this after spending 3 months in hospital, being told at 27 weeks my baby had a 50% chance of survival! We managed to beat the odds and despite what the doctors said I was determined to everything I could to “keep my baby in”!! we managed to get to 34 weeks, when we had our beautiful boy Finley, weighing in at 1870grams, he is a real fighter!! I was very sick pretty much from his conception so would really love to be pampered. I live in Hawkes bay but have entered the Auckland comp because if I won I would finally be able to take my wee boy up to meet some friends and family that haven’t seen him yet.

Thanks Early Buds!


Lauren Indrisie & Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified Wedding Photographers)