Holly & Stuart

Holly & Stuart were married at the Devonport Navy base below the gorgeous clock tower.

Holly got ready at the Hilton on the Viaduct Wharf, and we sailed across the harbour to the ceremony venue. Delwyn had a great time hanging out on the boat taking scenic photos, along with Jolyon from White Video (who was kindly capturing the footage for Vanessa from Indigo Moon Productions so she could be a guest), while I stayed nice and safe inside the boat with the Bride and Bridesmaids!

After a gorgeous ceremony, and hugs with friends, we powered through the family groupings so all the guests could make the 4pm ferry across to the Floating Pavillion for the reception.

We then had the naval base to ourselves for a bit and had fun taking photos, before sailing off from Stanley Bay to the Floating Pavillion to join their guests.

After speeches and cutting of the cake, we left them enjoying their time with their guests and partying into the evening.

Congratulations Holly & Stuart!


AUCKLAND WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS :: Lauren Indrisie & Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified and Award Winning Wedding Photographers)