Kavita & Luke’s Wedding

We met Kavita & Luke at Mina & Matt’s wedding, which we photographed the previous year, so when it came time to start their own plans they had us in mind!

After photographing their engagement photos at Wynyard Quarter, we were more than excited for their big day! They are such a lovely couple, and it was so exciting to be a part of such a wonderful day!

Luke looked so handsome in his gorgeous blue suit, which completed Kavita’s stunning red dress and incredible jewellery!

Their ceremony was amazing, embracing Kavita’s Indian heritage, followed by guests excitedly hugging and congratulating them afterwards. It was pretty special!

We had so much fun taking photos in the gorgeous afternoon light and amazing grounds at Bracu, as well as incorporating the gorgeous details in Kavita’s attire!

We left them to enjoy their evening with family and friends in the gorgeous Bracu Pavillion, which looked stunning in white with pops of yellow and green from the flowers and stationery.

Congratulations Kavita & Luke, thank you for inviting us to share in your wonderful wedding day!


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