Sara & Gareth

Approximately 22 years ago (almost to the day!) I switched to Blockhouse Bay Primary school. I met a girl called Sara. She talked alot. So did I. Our friendship was cemented. She’s known me longer than i’ve worn glasses (only by about a month!)

Our friendship has had it’s high and lows, however some bonds just don’t break.

At my 29th birthday party last April, Sara introduced me to Gareth. He was unlike any other suitor that had tried Sara’s hand. He was polite. Charming. Witty. He banters with Sara. He enjoys quoting English comedy. He doesn’t mind that Sara loves things neat and tidy. This amazing man, is to be a keeper I deduced, and promptly told him (and Sara) that I approved.

It was no surprise that later that year, they got engaged – how exciting! Even more exciting, was the plan to avoid all the fluff, and just Get Married! Brilliant!

Photography was high on the list of important things. As was Gareth’s amazing custom tailored off-the-rack suit from Suits on Broadway. Sara made her own gorgeous gown with her best friend Chrissy, and her mother Charlene (who made all of our ball gowns at high school). Chrissy made her bridesmaids dress the night before the wedding – wow! Charlene did Sara’s hair, her amazing sister Emma did Sara’s make up and flowers, and a friend made their beautiful cake. Mum organised the catering. We did the engagement shoot. It was so nice to have everyone pitch in to make the amazing day happen.

The day dawned crisp and beautiful, and we had a great time getting ready, with Sara’s daughter Amelia helping Sara get ready – she is adorable! Their ceremony was held at Church Unlimited, followed by an afternoon tea style reception and some speeches.

We had a few quick bridal party photos behind the church, then raced off to chase the dropping light with Sara & Gareth to Cornwall Park, and had a blast working in the late evening light.

Sara & Gareth want to have a family portrait at Cornwall Park next, to complete their set of photos, which I think is pretty cool, perhaps some autumn leaves guys? 🙂


Thanks for inviting us to document your wedding day,

Congratulations Sara & Gareth!


AUCKLAND WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS :: Lauren Indrisie & Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified Wedding Photographers)