Welcome to the world, baby Samuel…

It’s been a busy few weeks around here at The Project! Not only have we moved spaces, but we have a brand new member to the Project family… queue today’s special announcement!

Lauren and her husband Joseph are now proud parents to this little guy, born on Wednesday the 2nd of September. He’s incredibly adorable, healthy and has an impressive head of hair… and doesn’t Lauren look amazing!? We got to do a little shoot with them last week, and it’s pretty safe to say we are all in love (and scrambling for cuddles at every opportunity).

I’m sure there’ll be plenty more photos to come, but ’til then, enjoy 🙂 – and Lauren, congratulations again, we are thrilled for you guys and can’t wait for lots of visits!


For more information and to see more of our work, make sure to visit our website – www.delwynwood.com

AUCKLAND NEWBORN + FAMILY PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS ::  Lauren Indrisie  + Delwyn Wood (NZIPP Qualified Wedding Photographers) + Rachel Walker

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